
Spring Boot REST Mini Project

Spring Boot REST Mini Project | Things to be covered in the mini project:- Layers Modules: Employee Dependencies:- PUT – Full/most of the part updatePATCH- partial update @Query: Used for select operation@Query + @Modifying: Used for non-select operation @Transaction – [commit/rollback]:- Incase of our custom query (not for predefined JPA methods), we must write this […]

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RestTemplate in Spring Boot

RestTemplate in Spring Boot | RestTemplate class is used to make an HTTP call to any web service Application (java and non-java apps) that reads the final response into ResponseEntity or a direct time. It supports auto-type conversion of Input/Output into GlobalFormat (i.e. Object to JSON/XML and JSON/XML to Object). Use case:- Movie Booking application

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Swagger with Spring Boot REST

Swagger with Spring Boot REST | POSTMAN Tool tests our rest controllers. This is a fully manual tool, we should enter all details: URL, MethodType, Param, JSON Input, Header Details, etc. We should list all URLs in the application, if it is a small application then it is fine. But if the application is big

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Spring REST Introduction

Spring REST Introduction | We will discuss Spring REST, HttpStatus, ResponseEntity, Request Method, and e.t.c. Webservices (ReST) Web services represent the integration of Applications. Linking two or more applications that are running on the same/different servers. 2 different web services can be in different technologies/languages. For example, one web service uses Java and another one

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MediaType Annotations and HttpStatus

MediaType Annotations and HttpStatus | Here we will discuss @RequestBody, @ResponseBody, and HttpStatus. @RequestBody and @ResponseBody in Spring REST Using @ResponseBody is optional because @RestController will take care of that. But @RequestBody annotation must be applied externally. Example Application Create a Spring starter project and add the following dependencies:- Lombok, Spring Web. Start the application.

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