JUnit Annotations with Examples

JUnit Annotations with Examples | We had introduced unit testing in Java, now we will see JUnit and later introduce Mockito. Also see:-

Unit testing: Here unit indicates a part of a project which can be a task/story. Once the code is completed by the developer, then that part must be tested.

Unit testing = testing one part of the project developed by a programmer. Example:- Develop the Employee register task, and test the employee register task.


JUnit is a unit test framework. It is an open-source Java library. To test our code (class), we need to define one class which is called as Test case (test class). We need to add the following dependencies:-


To define one test case we should use:-

  • JUnit 5 Annotations.
  • JUnit 5 Assert API.

JUnit 5 Annotations:-

  • @Test
  • @DisplayName
  • @BeforeEach
  • @AfterEach
  • @BeforeAll
  • @AfterAll
  • @Disabled
  • @TestMethodOrder
  • @RepeatedTest
  • @Tag
  • @ParameterizedTest
  • @ValueSource
  • @NullSource
  • @EmptySource
  • @NullAndEmptySource

JUnit Runtime

Junit Runtime

JUnit Runtime is provided with 3 components and one platform runtime:-

  • JUnit Jupiter Engine (JUnit 5 API)
  • JUnit Vintage Engine (JUnit 4 and 3 APIs)
  • Integration (TestNg, Mock..etc)

For our test cases (Class + Method) object creation and test-method calling done by JUnit Platform runtime.

Create a Maven project, add the junit-jupiter-engine dependencies. Test cases are written inside src/test/java folder.

Junit Maven Dependencies

While creating the test class, generally we use the “Test” prefix along with the class name and method name.

  • Admin Module: TestAdmin
  • Product Module: TestProduct
  • save() => testSave()
  • delete() => testDelete()

Create a TestEmployee class in the src/test/java folder.

package com.knowprogram.test;

import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;

// Test case: A class that will test our code
public class TestEmployee {

    // test methods
    public void testSave() {
    public void testUpdate() {
    public void testDelete() {

Select the class and run as “Junit Test”. Output:-

@Test is used to make the method of test case class as a test method.

@TestMethodOrder: We can define multiple test methods inside Testcase. Those are executed in Random order by default. We can specify our own order using @TestMethodOrder and @Order. Here we need to provide @Order (number).

package com.knowprogram.test;

import org.junit.jupiter.api.MethodOrderer.OrderAnnotation;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Order;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.TestMethodOrder;

public class TestEmployee {

    // test methods
    public void testSave() {
    public void testUpdate() {
    public void testDelete() {


We can also pass a negative number to the @Order like @Order(-5) and in that case method execution order of @Order has:- Negative => Zero => Positive numbers.

If we want to execute in the order of the method name then we can use:-


The OrderAnnotation and MethodName are implementation classes of the MethodOrderer interface. Other implementation classes are:-

  • DisplayName (use @TestMethodOrder(OrderAnnotation.DisplayName.class) because @DisplayName annotation is also there).
  • Random (it is default)
  • Alphanumeric (it is deprecated).

JUnit5 more annotations:-

  • @BeforeEach: To execute any logic once per test method before starting the test method. We usually place common logic that should be executed before each test method execution.
  • @AfterEach: To execute any logic once per test method before finishing the test method. We usually place common logic that should execute after each test method execution.
  • @BeforeAll: To execute any logic once per test case/class before starting. It is used to write common logic for one time for all test methods.
  • @AfterAll: To execute any logic once per test case/class before finishing. It is used to place cleanup logic for all test methods.

Methods with annonations @BeforeAll, @AfterAll must be static method else Junit gives error.

package com.knowprogram.test;

import org.junit.jupiter.api.AfterAll;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.AfterEach;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.BeforeAll;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.BeforeEach;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;

public class TestEmployee {

    public static void setupOnce() {
        System.out.println("From Onetime setup");

    public void setup() {
        // setup, init data
        System.out.println("From Setup");

    public void testSave() {

    public void testUpdate() {

    public void clear() {
        System.out.println("Clear data");

    public static void closeAll() {
        System.out.println("Once at end");


@DisplayName: This annotation is used to provide “Readable text” in place of actual method and class names at the JUnit console.

package com.knowprogram.test;

import org.junit.jupiter.api.DisplayName;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;

@DisplayName("Testing Employee Class")
public class TestEmployee {

    @DisplayName("Testing save method")
    public void testSave() {

    @DisplayName("Testing update method")
    public void testUpdate() {
Junit Console

@Disabled: This annotation is used to specify ignore one test method while executing test-case (do not execute test method).

public class TestEmployee {

    public void testSave() {

    public void testUpdate() {

@RepeatedTest:- To execute any test method multiple times (like batch processing). Example:- Export 1-10 records, Export 11-20 records, export 21-30 records. It is very useful in batch processing or updatation-related tests.

TestInfo: To know our test case details like classname, method name, display name, tag name, and e.t.c we can use one interface TestInfo.

package com.knowprogram.test;

import org.junit.jupiter.api.DisplayName;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.RepeatedTest;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.TestInfo;

public class TestEmployee {

    @RepeatedTest(value = 3, name = "{displayName} - {currentRepetition}/{totalRepetitions}")
    @DisplayName("Multiple Test")
    public void testMultiple(TestInfo info) {


Multiple Test
Multiple Test - 1/3
Multiple Test - 2/3
Multiple Test - 3/3

@Tag:- It is used to filter test methods for execution in different environments. For example:- We want to test the export example in the production environment and at the same, we want to test the delete operation only in the development environment and then use the @Tag concept and maven-surefire-plugin.

public class TestEmployee {

    public void testA() {

    public void testB() {

We can specify the include and exclude tags in the pom.xml file through maven-surface-plugin.

                    <!-- include tags -->
                    <!-- exclude tags -->

Right-click on the project, and run the application as Maven Test (not as Junit Test).

Maven Test Result

@Tag takes a single String value, so we can not pass multiple values:-
@Tag("dev") // valid
@Tag("dev", "prod") // invalid

But @Tag is a repetitive annotation and we can add multiple @Tag to one test method. For example, if we want to test a method in both the dev and prod environments then we can write:-

public void testB() {

@ParameterizedTest & @ValueSource:- To execute one test method multiple times with different inputs/params we can use @ParameterizedTest and we can supply inputs by using @ValueSource and other annotations.

public class ServiceDemo {
    public boolean isOdd(int n) {
        return n % 2 == 0;

    public String sayHello(String user) {
        return "Hello " + user;
public class TestSerivceDemo {

    @ValueSource(ints = { 10, 21, 34, 56, 11, 76 })
    public void testIsOdd(int n) {
        ServiceDemo demo = new ServiceDemo();

    @ValueSource(strings = { "Rocco", "William", "Kevin" })
    public void testSayHello(String user) {
        ServiceDemo demo = new ServiceDemo();
        assertEquals("Hello " + user, demo.sayHello(user));

Other annotations to pass the input values:-

  • @EmptySource
  • @NullSource
  • @NullAndEmptySource
public class ServiceDemo {
    public boolean isEmpty(String name) {
        return name.isBlank();
public class TestSerivceDemo {
    // @ValueSource(strings = { "", " ", "K" })
    // @EmptySource
    // @NullSource
    public void testIsEmpty(String user) {
        ServiceDemo demo = new ServiceDemo();

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