Project Lombok Annotations With Examples

Project Lombok Annotations With Examples | It is an open-source Java API, used to generate code for constructors, set/get methods, toString, equals and hashCode etc.

To use Lombok API, we should enable/activate Lombok in STS/Eclipse then we can use Lombok API Annotations. Lombok Activation Steps:-

  • Download the Lombok Jar file.
  • Double-click to run the jar file, specify the STS/Eclipse IDE location => Click on the Install/Update Button.
  • Or, in the terminal/command prompt: java -jar lombok.jar => Click on the Install/Update Button.
Project Lombok Installation

In the Spring Starter project, while creating the project we can add the dependency for Lombok.


Lombok Annotations

  • @Getter: It will generate get() method for every variable
  • @Setter: It will generate set() method
  • @ToString: Generates toString () method.
  • @EqualsAndHashCode: It will generate equals() and hashCode() methods. To compare two objects of the same class, we must generate equals() and hashCode().
  • @NoArgsConstructor: To generate default constructor.
  • @AllArgsConstructor: generate a constructor with all variables.

Lombok is going to work after your coding and before compilation only. Lombok Dependency/jar not required once compilation is done i.e. This JAR is not required in production/Deployment time. While compilation, it generates the required methods and the .class file that contain complete code with all those methods.

Java compiler provides a default constructor if no constructor exists in the code. But if other constructor exist then the Java compiler won’t provide the default constructor. In that case, we can use @NoArgsConstructor. If either Programmer or Lombok, defines any param constructor, first define default/zero args constructor, then any param constructor is fine.

Model class:-

package com.knowprogram.demo;

import lombok.Getter;
import lombok.NoArgsConstructor;
import lombok.Setter;
import lombok.ToString;

public class Employee {
    private Integer empId;
    private String ename;
    private Double esal;

Runner class:-

package com.knowprogram.demo;

import org.springframework.boot.CommandLineRunner;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;

public class LombokRunnerTest implements CommandLineRunner {

    public void run(String... args) throws Exception {
        Employee emp = new Employee();

        System.out.println(emp.getEname()); // Jerry
        // Employee(empId=100, ename=Jerry, esal=5000.0)

  • @RequiredArgsConstructor + @NonNull: If we want to create any specific params constructor then use these annotations.
  • @NonNull: It will select a variable for the constructor param.


class Emp {
    Integer eid;

    String ename;

    Double esal;

Generated Code:-

class Emp {
    Integer eid;

    String ename;

    Double esal;

    Emp(Integer eid) {


class Emp {
    Integer eid;

    String ename;

    Double esal;

Generated Code:-

class Emp {
    Integer eid;

    String ename;

    Double esal;

    Emp(Integer eid,Double esal) {


class Emp {
    Integer eid;

    String ename;

    Double esal;

Generated Code:-

class Emp {
    Integer eid;

    String ename;

    Double esal;

    Emp() {

    Emp(Integer eid) {


class Emp {
    Integer eid;

    String ename;

    Double esal;

Generated Code:-

class Emp {
    Integer eid;

    String ename;

    Double esal;

    Emp() {

    Emp(Integer eid) {

    Emp(Integer eid,String ename,Double esal) {

The @NoArgsConstructor always generates the default constructor. For @RequiredArgsConstructor If there are no variables annotated with @NonNull then it will generate a default constructor.

public class Employee {
    private Integer eid;

    private String ename;

Generated Code:-

public class Employee {
    private Integer eid;

    private String ename;

    public Employee() {
public class Employee {
    private Integer eid;

    private String ename;

Now this code, we will get the compile time error:- duplicate method Employee(). Since there is no @NonNull field therefore @RequiredArgsConstructor creates a no-arg constructor and @NoArgsConstructor also creates a no-arg constructor. Therefore compile gives an error.

  • @AllArgsConstructor: It will generate a default constructor if the class has zero variables (no variables).
public class Employee {

Generated Code:-

public class Employee {
    public Employee() {
public class Employee {

It will also gives compile time error:- duplicate method Employee() because both @NoArgsConstructor and @AllArgsConstructor creates no-args constructor.

public class Employee {

It will also give compile time error:- duplicate method Employee() because
@NoArgsConstructor, @RequiredArgsConstructor, and @AllArgsConstructor creates no-args constructor.

@Data in Lombok

@Data reduces multiple annotations coding. @Data is a combination of
@Setter + @Getter + @ToString + @EqualsAndHashCode + @RequiredArgsConstructor.

public class Employee {
private Integer eid;

Generated Code:-

public class Employee {
    private Integer eid;

    public Employee() { ___ } //default const.

    // setEid, getEid

    // equals() hashCode()

    // toString()
public class Employee {
    private Integer eid;

Generated Code:-

public class Employee {
    private Integer eid;
    // one param constructor

    public Employee(Integer eid) { this.eid=eid; }

    // setEid, getEid
    // equals() hashCode()
    // toString()

@Data provides internally @RequiredArgsConstructor, only if programmer did not write any Constructor annotation (@___ArgsConstructor).


@Data // it wont provide @RequiredArgsConstructor now.
@NoArgsConstructor // default constrcutor
public class Employee {
    private Integer eid;

Generated Code:-

public class Employee {
    private Integer eid;

    // only one constrcutor
    public Employee() { ___ }


public class Employee {
    private Integer eid;

    private String ename;

    private Double esal;

Generated Code:-

public class Employee {
    private Integer eid;

    private String ename;

    private Double esal;

    public Employee(eid,ename,esal) { ___ } //3 params

Lombok supports only 3 constructors (1 default, 2 param). If we need any other constructors then we must add manually.

import lombok.AllArgsConstructor;
import lombok.Data;
import lombok.NoArgsConstructor;
import lombok.NonNull;
import lombok.RequiredArgsConstructor;
@NoArgsConstructor // default constructor
@RequiredArgsConstructor // 1 param constructor
@AllArgsConstructor // 3 param constructor
public class Employee {

    private Integer eid;

    private String ename;

    private Double esal;

    // if we want add one more const then we can add them manually
    public Employee(String ename) {

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