MediaType Annotations and HttpStatus

MediaType Annotations and HttpStatus | Here we will discuss @RequestBody, @ResponseBody, and HttpStatus.

@RequestBody and @ResponseBody in Spring REST

  • @ResponseBody:- It is a return type representing non-String. Here, and returns in JSON/XML format. The object will be converted to JSON/XML.
  • @RequestBody:- It is a parameter (non-String). Here, JSON/XML is converted to an object.

Using @ResponseBody is optional because @RestController will take care of that. But @RequestBody annotation must be applied externally.

  • @RequestBody should be used as the method parameter.
  • It will read the HTTP Request Body (XML/JSON) and convert it to Object Format.
  • Syntax:- @RequestBody ClassName objectName
  • The end client/consumer must specify one header parameter:- 'Content-Type:__'
  • To send data from consumer to producer GET request is not supported. (GET request never supports @RequestBody).

Example Application

Create a Spring starter project and add the following dependencies:- Lombok, Spring Web.

public class Employee {
    private Integer eid;
    private String ename;
    private Double esal;
public class EmployeeRestController {

    public ResponseEntity<String> readEmp(@RequestBody Employee employee) {
        return ResponseEntity.ok(employee.toString());

Start the application. API:- http://localhost:8080/employee/read

Example JSON:-

  "eid" : 10,
  "ename" : "ABC",
  "esal" : 300.2

It will create the following object:- Employee(eid=10, ename=ABC, esal=300.2)

Even { } in the request body is a valid JSON, that indicates objects created with default values:- Employee(eid=null, ename=null, esal=null)

In the postman, in the body change the type to XML and try to send the below data:-


If we try to send XML Input using @RequestBody but the application is not supporting XML, then FrontController returns Http Status – 415 Unsupported MediaType. Response:-

    "timestamp": "2024-06-21T01:15:18.107+00:00",
    "status": 415,
    "error": "Unsupported Media Type",
    "trace": "org.springframework.web.HttpMediaTypeNotSupportedException: Content-Type 'application/xml;charset=UTF-8' is not supported...",
    "message": "Content-Type 'application/xml;charset=UTF-8' is not supported.",
    "path": "/employee/read"

Whereas If output XML (ResponseBody) is not supported then 406 – Not Acceptable.

To Enable XML support, Add XML Dependency in pom.xml file, and restart the application:-


Different Combination

public class Employee {
    private Integer eid;
    private String ename;
    private Double esal;
    private Double hra;
    private Double ta;
public class EmployeeRestController {

    public ResponseEntity<Employee> readEmp(@RequestBody Employee employee) {
        var sal = employee.getEsal();
        var hra = sal * 10 / 100.0;
        var ta = sal * 6 / 100.0;


        return ResponseEntity.ok(employee);

Sample XML Input:-


Sample JSON Input:-

  "eid" : 999, 
  "ename" : "SYED", 
  "esal" : 500.0

Case#1:- Accept JSON and return JSON.
It is the default one. In body => raw => JSON.

Case#2:- Accept XML and return JSON.
In body => raw => XML. Send the XML data, it will return JSON data.

Case#3:- Accept XML and return XML.
In Headers mention KEY=Accept and VALUE=application/xml. In body => raw => XML.

Case#4:- Accept JSON and return XML.
In Headers mention KEY=Accept and VALUE=application/xml. In body => raw => JSON.

At a time only one type of input/output.


  • It indicates what is the final response status for a request.
  • It is a global type i.e. every language can understand.
  • It is the combination of Number and Code (message).
  • For every request, one response is given.
  • For every response, one status code is provided.
  • These are categorized into 5 types.
MessageCodeDescriptionSample Code
Information1xxDetails about processing100, 101, 102, …
Success2xxProcessed Successfully200, 201, 202, …
Redirect3xxRedirect Moved From one server/link to another server/link300, 301, 302, …
Client Side Error4xxUser Data Problem, Invalid Format400, 401, 403, 404, …
Server Side Error5xxIssue in code. Exceptions like NullPointerException, SQLException500, 501, 502, …

HttpStatus Success

  • If the request is processed successfully (no exception/no error) then return Http Status 200 -OK
  • For the current request something new data(Resource) is created at the server side – then Return Http Status 201-CREATED. (ex: Database Table#Row[inserted], one PDF is created..etc)
  • For the Void type, the response recommended Status code is 204-No Content. For example, delete one record.
  • Accepted Header Param is considered and expected data format is given back then return Http Status code – 202 Accepted.

Client Side Error

  • 400 - BAD REQUEST:- Input Data Type mismatch or required params missing then HTTP Status code is 400 -BAD Request. Ex: int sid = __URL?sid=ABC
  • 404 - Not Found:- If Entered URL, doesn’t match with any RestController method then FrontController returns 404-Not Found.
  • 405 - Method Not Allowed:- If the code is GET type but the request is POST type then FrontController returns 405 – Method Not Allowed.
  • 406 - Not Acceptable:- If we request using Accept= __ Header, Content-Type is not supported then FC returns 406 – Not Acceptable
  • 415 - Unsupported Media Type:- If Request Body MediaType (Content-Type= _ ) is not supported then FrontController returns 415 – Unsupported Media Type
  • 401 - Unauthorized (Security):- Try to access the URL without Login.
  • 403- FORBIDDEN:- (Security) [invalid role access]. Logged in as Clerk, but trying to access Manager Services.

See more:- HTTP response status codes

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